Wednesday, May 28, 2008

She is sleeping in a bed

Thought I would update you all with some very exciting stuff. This weekend she started sleeping in her own bed. She wanted to sleep in her bed for nap. So we let her. At night she didn't want to. Tom and I decided to push it the next day and see what happened. After a couple whines she went right to sleep. Yippee!!! We have our family room back. The night terrors are getting less as well. She had one the first night she slept in a bed. Last night she slept through. She seems really to be adjusting really well.
Her speech is doing really well. She is starting to use two and three word sentences in English. She can sing itsy bitsy spider, Jesus loves me and You are my sunshine. She says I love you, bye bye, this way, potty, eat, victoria did it:), mine:), and the favorite word of a two year old NO!!!:).
We are all doing well and I can actually go out with the three of them with some normalcy. We went to the zoo which she liked but it was so hot we wilted. Then my tropic girl had to deal with 50 degree weather after having hundred degree weather. I know us Californians.
Megan's little personality is coming out. She has a great combination of loving dolls and playing mommy, to being a tom boy and loving trucks. She loves to be outside running around, riding on bikes and scooters. The water table is her favorite thing to play with. If there is water she is excited. She is sweet but can be very stubborn. She loves to see how things work and is always trying to figure stuff out. She is such a perfect fit for our family. God has truly blessed us.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

China Earthquake

I am sure most of you have heard of the devastation in China from the earthquake that has just happen. They know one orphanage in the province has been knocked off the foundation. They are getting updates every day. Communication is hard and so its slow going. Half the Sky is a fantastic organization that helps orphanages and children in China. If you feel you want to donate to this organization here is the link below.'s+Earthquake+Fund

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's day and update

Hi everyone I have decided I am going to try to update about once a week. I don't have an exciting enough life for more than that.:) Anyways Happy Mother's Day to everyone. I hope yours was as nice as mine. Megan is snuggling in my arms as I type this might be an effort for me. Ever since Megan has truly called me Ma Ma in Chinese we have been having night terrors and crying sometimes a couple of times a night. I think she is terrified I might leave her as well. You think about what she has been through its incredible little children still trust. She was abandoned as an infant. She lived in the orphanage about a year and then had a foster mom. Only then she was ripped away from her and placed in my arms. For what she has been through she is doing so well. I am truly amazed by her.

I am tired but I would be with a newborn as well. Tom has been so fantastic. He even took 2 nights this weekend that was the greatest Mother's day gift. I am still trying to get used to three kids. It is so hard. I know having three kids under 5 is just hard but wow I just cannot get myself together. So if there are any of you out there reading this who have three kids with any advice please e-mail me or leave comments I would truly appreciate any advice you might have.

We took Megan to church and they have a family room that we could all go to so that worked well. We are not ready to leave her yet. Matthew and Victoria can still go to there little church and we can at least get her used to going. Megan still doesn't give many kisses. She gives them to Victoria especially but they are still few and far between. I wonder if its cultural they don't kiss or is it just the orphans of China who have this problem. I know reading adoption sites we are not alone. She is definitely coming out of her shell she does these funny little things and sings in Chinese. She also is picking up songs in English. She loves itsy bitsy spider, twinkle, twinkle little star and Jesus loves me. She is also picking up the lay me down to sleep prayer.

Mother's day as I said before was wonderful. We had everyone and I mean everyone at a park over in Canyon country for Mother's day. We had my mom, Tom's mom, Amy, Amy's future Mother in law Peggy and me. Plus we had the kiddos and the dads. We had a nice little party going. We had pizza from Stonefire and then the guys played football. We had an ice fight(with the ice from the cooler.) The kiddos all loved it and thought it was terrific. We even got ice cream from the ice cream truck. Its amazing Megan went from having no one to this amazing family we have. All of them love her so much and I am so proud of all of them for accepting her as part of the fam. Not one of them shows any reservations or lack of love toward her. Not that I expected them to but its so awesome to see our families love in action. We are truly blessed as a family. I included some pictures hope you enjoy them.

Tired of typing one handed I am amazed I did as well as I did. Have a great week and like I said I will update it once a week.