Wednesday, May 28, 2008

She is sleeping in a bed

Thought I would update you all with some very exciting stuff. This weekend she started sleeping in her own bed. She wanted to sleep in her bed for nap. So we let her. At night she didn't want to. Tom and I decided to push it the next day and see what happened. After a couple whines she went right to sleep. Yippee!!! We have our family room back. The night terrors are getting less as well. She had one the first night she slept in a bed. Last night she slept through. She seems really to be adjusting really well.
Her speech is doing really well. She is starting to use two and three word sentences in English. She can sing itsy bitsy spider, Jesus loves me and You are my sunshine. She says I love you, bye bye, this way, potty, eat, victoria did it:), mine:), and the favorite word of a two year old NO!!!:).
We are all doing well and I can actually go out with the three of them with some normalcy. We went to the zoo which she liked but it was so hot we wilted. Then my tropic girl had to deal with 50 degree weather after having hundred degree weather. I know us Californians.
Megan's little personality is coming out. She has a great combination of loving dolls and playing mommy, to being a tom boy and loving trucks. She loves to be outside running around, riding on bikes and scooters. The water table is her favorite thing to play with. If there is water she is excited. She is sweet but can be very stubborn. She loves to see how things work and is always trying to figure stuff out. She is such a perfect fit for our family. God has truly blessed us.


She Who Waits... said...

Great update Wendy!

AmyO said...

Wow - a big girl bed! Olivia hasn't figured out how to get out of the crib yet...I'm hoping she doesn't learn for awhile ;)