Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Everyone has been bugging me for an update. Sorry our life isn't that exciting.:) Anyways a few new things to share so I thought I would write an update. Megan is doing well and adjusting very well. We went to a party with our old newlywed group and Megan did fantastic there. She didn't even need Tom or I in the room with her. She got along well with the other children. She was up from 12-3am in the morning after the get together though. I really think it was to much stimulation for her.

Last week was really hard. Megan is getting a little to comfortable.:) Plus the newness has worn off with Matthew and Victoria so they are not as willing to share. We had a rough Tuesday and Wednesday. I literally could not get anything done. Even if I put laundry in the kids would start yelling at each other. Victoria and Megan would yell at each other to the point I thought they were killing each other. They weren't though they were just yelling at each other. After two days it seemed to calm down. The rest of the week and this week has been better.

My birthday was this weekend, and Megan was so cute she didn't know what she was saying, but she sang happy birthday to me. It was adorable. She also granted me three kisses on Monday the best present I could have gotten. Megan seems to really be bonding with me. One thing we have noticed is the last couple nights she seemed to be having night terrors. She just started, but we know with adopted children its pretty normal. Its so sad to see her crying and kicking and not be able to comfort her. When I try to hold her or pat her back it seems to get worse so I just usually sit with her.

Megan did have her full physical and 5 shots poor thing. They did take a couple of x-rays of her head to make sure everything is okey. Besides that everything is great.

Matthew and Victoria are doing well. Victoria loves having a sister and would love her to share a room with her(so she thinks:). Megan still wants to be on the couch but she will at least get into bed during snuggle time at night. I signed Matthew up for Kindergarten in the fall. I can't believe he is going to Kindergarten.

Well that is about it. I will try to update it more often but with 3 kids running around I am first exhausted and secondly trying to figure out the craziness that ensues with having three of them.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Megan's first trip to the Beach

It was the perfect day so I grabbed the in laws and headed to the beach. It was sunny in the 70's and gorgeous. Megan loved it and had no fear of the water. She wanted to go deeper and deeper. She is going to be a beach girl. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Kiddos

Some family fun

We had a great weekend. In sunny California we had a wonderful sunny weekend. The temperatures went from 70 to 90 degrees. It was really nice. We got the water table out and the kids and I(Wendy) got soaked. Megan had her first ice cream. Which she said was yummy. Mr. J(Tom's dad) came and helped us build some planters to plant a vegetable garden with the kiddos.

All in all its been a great couple of days. Megan is sleeping great now. Except for the occasional cry out in her sleep she is doing fantastic. She is saying lots of words although I don't know is she knows what it all means. Whatever Victoria does or says she repeats. Mr. J played school with them yesterday and she said the whole alphabet with the other kids. Plus counted to ten. It was so cute. I can tell she really understands us alot. I know she doesn't when she keeps saying yes to something she shouldn't be saying yes too.:) Or I give a choice of milk or OJ and she says yes to both.

The great news is the doctor says we don't have to worry about her. We will of course keep watch on her as she grows up but as of now there is nothing to be concerned about. She is healthy and developing well. Yippee!!! We are so happy.
I included a couple of pictures for you to enjoy.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

She slept through the night!!!

She slept from 8:30pm to 7am. Straight! Two nights in a row. No waking up no screaming. Just some peaceful sleep. Megan is doing well for the most part during the day. She really misses Tom but she is bonding with me more. She is really jealous of the kids now if I am paying attention to them and not her.

The hardest thing I am finding right now is how much to discipline her and how much do I need to bond with her. Obviously hurting the other kids is not okey. She throws all out temper tantrums. I tell her know but I don't think she understands that I am saying no to the temper tantrum. Its a hard fine balance. That is my worse issue at this point.

Megan can say thank you now. She repeats a lot of what Victoria says but has no idea what she is saying yet. As we are speaking Victoria and her are singing happy birthday. Last night they were both on their rocking horses. Victoria and Megan for the most part are getting along fantastically. They love to play together chase and peekaboo. They sing together and were sitting at their table eating and cooking a meal together. They were so cute. I will try to load some pictures today. I have to run but just wanted to write a short update.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Family get together and first day home with megan(Alone)

Megan met my(Wendy's) side of the family last night and she had a ball. She loves her cousin Ellie. She actually cried when she left. It was sad but good. She is an outgoing little girl ready to play with anyone who will play with her. Dad took some pictures and I included them in the post. Ellie is the big girl holding Megan. The other two are Matthew and Victoria. Matthew is hiding in the second picture. Silly guy was being a typical boy.:)
Last night was my night to stay up with Megan. It actually went pretty well. We got her to bed at 8:15pm and she woke up at 10:30pm. It was my job to put her back to sleep so I got her back up on the couch and started to rub her back. She started to freak out and kick and scream. I thought she wouldn't settle down, and I would have to go get Tom, but it went suprisingly well. She cried for about 5 minutes for baba. She wouldn't let me rub her back but she did let me sit next to her and she went back to sleep. We repeated that at about 5:30am. She slept til about 7:30am this morning.
Most people wouldn't think that was very good but that is fantastic. Just think two weeks ago if I came near her she would kick, bite or hit me. Bonding takes awhile. One thing we are learning. They don't just trust you or attach to you. Once they do though its amazing they really care about you. No hugs and kisses yet. The cat got one but we haven't yet. That is okey I have heard of kids not giving real hugs and kisses for 6 months to a year. We give her plenty though.
Today well its gone fantastic. I can't even believe it. Megan said baba was in the bathroom. I think she thinks he is still in there. That is pretty funny.
This girl can eat. Let me tell you what she had for lunch. I started with one piece of leftover chicken, rice, and grapes. She had three helpings of rice and one more helping of grapes I thought she was done. She threw a temper tantrum and I couldn't figure out why. She wanted more. She ended up eating 2 more servings of grapes, a tomato, a piece of pizza and a couple of strawberries. She is going to send us to the poor house if she continues to eat that way.:)
I haven't gotten her down for a nap yet but its been a great day so far. It has far exceeded my expectations. Gotta run. Wish me luck in getting her down for a nap.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

We all slept!!!

Thought I would just update you all on the progress. Megan last night slept through from 9pm to 7am. She woke up at 11 wide awake but with a little bit of coaxing we were able to get her back to sleep for the rest of the night. I am doing the same thing, so I think the time difference is getting to all of us.

Tom and I are actually awake and somewhat rested. Hallelujah is all I can say. Megan is doing well. She has decided the couch is her bed. She won't even go upstairs unless she is going to take a bath. So we decided if that is what makes her sleep right now then that is fine with us. We read this adoption site and this doctor said we are in the "do what you have to" phase. That is basically how we feel right now.

Megan is really warming up to me. When I leave she starts crying for me and gets upset. That is huge progress. The only problem is she wants both of us to be with her, so we will see how tomorrow goes. Tom goes back to work tomorrow. I feel confident for the most part but there may be some crying tomorrow we will see.

Matthew and Victoria are having some issues but doing pretty well. Victoria had a hard time with us being away, but I don't think she has a problem with Megan yet. :) I am sure it will come. She loves being the big sister. I took her grocery shopping to have girl time and she helped me get the groceries. She wanted half an apple instead of sliced. Megan and her have to sit together at the dinner table. There has been a few little Megan stop it or no Megan's but so far so good.

Matthew is old enough now he liked it for about a day and then he was ready to send her back. Sounds like me with my little sis(Love ya Amy):). We know its completely natural and we are really trying to let them feel comfortable expressing there feelings with us. Tom had big boy and daddy time today which I thought was great.

Megan gets to meet my parents today and Auntie Amy and her cousin Ellie. Tom's parents have already met her. We will see how she does with a little group before I get a big group together.:)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

We are home

After an exhausting flight we are home. Tired and worn out we now have to adjust her to this time. Tom and I have both slept about zero hours and had two wednesdays. Needless to say we are exhausted. Tom finally just gave way to exhaustion so after a brief nap I am up for duty til 3 am. I really hope Tom can just get a full night sleep and she falls asleep before them. Right now she is wide awake and no sign of stopping.
She has got to be going on fumes as well. Poor thing. She only got 3 hrs on the plane which means she is going to crash not sure when. Things they don't tell you about adoption and note to others. I think this is worse than the grieving. You are exhausted and if you have other kids who didn't go with you they are on regular time. I am going to have to sleep when she sleeps.
So if you don't hear from me for a few days that is why. Okey best be off to play with her.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Our last night here

We are heading home tomorrow. Wow I can't believe its come to an end. We are excited to get home and get her acclimated. She is almost an American Girl. When we turn in her Chinese passport at LAX she will be American. We went to the consulate got her passport. Swore that all the info was correct that we gave them and that was it. We got her visa and came back and went to dinner. We had Thai food again in China which is hilarious but really good.

For the first time today she preferred to sit with me on the bus instead of Tom. I can't believe a little over a week ago we had this very frightened, grieving little girl. Wow, you should see her now. All smiles and laughter. Playing. Even learning a few english words. The difference is incredible. I am sure we are not done, there is still a lot of bonding and crying once she gets home. The adjustment is not that easy, but it is amazing.

We want to thank each and everyone who has prayed for us. Each and everyone who followed a journey. I truly felt God at work here and its amazing. Like I said at the beginning be patient with us but we will do something for you all to meet her. Pray for us on the trip home and Megan on this long plane flight. We are coming home Matthew and Victoria. We love you all.
