Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Everyone has been bugging me for an update. Sorry our life isn't that exciting.:) Anyways a few new things to share so I thought I would write an update. Megan is doing well and adjusting very well. We went to a party with our old newlywed group and Megan did fantastic there. She didn't even need Tom or I in the room with her. She got along well with the other children. She was up from 12-3am in the morning after the get together though. I really think it was to much stimulation for her.

Last week was really hard. Megan is getting a little to comfortable.:) Plus the newness has worn off with Matthew and Victoria so they are not as willing to share. We had a rough Tuesday and Wednesday. I literally could not get anything done. Even if I put laundry in the kids would start yelling at each other. Victoria and Megan would yell at each other to the point I thought they were killing each other. They weren't though they were just yelling at each other. After two days it seemed to calm down. The rest of the week and this week has been better.

My birthday was this weekend, and Megan was so cute she didn't know what she was saying, but she sang happy birthday to me. It was adorable. She also granted me three kisses on Monday the best present I could have gotten. Megan seems to really be bonding with me. One thing we have noticed is the last couple nights she seemed to be having night terrors. She just started, but we know with adopted children its pretty normal. Its so sad to see her crying and kicking and not be able to comfort her. When I try to hold her or pat her back it seems to get worse so I just usually sit with her.

Megan did have her full physical and 5 shots poor thing. They did take a couple of x-rays of her head to make sure everything is okey. Besides that everything is great.

Matthew and Victoria are doing well. Victoria loves having a sister and would love her to share a room with her(so she thinks:). Megan still wants to be on the couch but she will at least get into bed during snuggle time at night. I signed Matthew up for Kindergarten in the fall. I can't believe he is going to Kindergarten.

Well that is about it. I will try to update it more often but with 3 kids running around I am first exhausted and secondly trying to figure out the craziness that ensues with having three of them.

1 comment:

She Who Waits... said...

I'm here to say "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY"!!!

I hope all is well with you and your family.